Hawthorn to Box Hill Trail
The Hawthorn to Box Hill Trail will provide a safe family-friendly bike and walking path to connect local communities and provide safe travel through Hawthorn, Camberwell, Glenferrie Road, Maling Road, Surrey Hills, Mont Albert and Box Hill.
The Victorian government has designated the Hawthorn to Box Hill Trail a Strategic Cycling Corridor that will:
Support the needs of commuter trips (to work or education) and other important transport trips such as to stations, shops or schools.
Link important destinations including central Melbourne city, employment and activity centres and other destinations of metropolitan and regional significance.
Provide connections with the Main Yarra Trail in Richmond, the Anniversary Trail in Canterbury, the Box Hill to Ringwood Trail and the Yarra Valley trail network
The Hawthorn to Box Hill Trail will also:
enable students from over twenty schools and Swinburne University to ride safely to school.
encourage many people to cycle and walk who currently don't and greatly improve safety for those who already do.
provide a safe path free from vehicles where children can learn to ride and families can go for recreational bike and walking trips.
More people riding bikes and walking will reduce traffic congestion on roads, reduce pollution and carbon emissions and provide safe and healthy travel for local communities.
Every person on a bike is one less car on our increasingly busy roads.
Upcoming events including discovery rides will be published here and on our Facebook Page.
Take action
Please sign our new petition asking decision makers in the Victorian government to provide funding for the design and construction of the Hawthorn the Box Hill Trail now. Nearly 2000 people have now signed!
When you write a letter to your local MPs about the Hawthorn to Box Hill Trail they are obliged to respond and to refer your questions to relevant ministers. Tell them why you want the Hawthorn to Box Hill Trail and ask them to support it.
If you would like get involved in our community campaign for the Hawthorn to Box Hill Trail you join via the contact form to get email updates.