
The proposed route of the Hawthorn to Box Hill Trail follows the railway easement.  

This provides the best gradient, safety for walkers and bike riders and connections with local shopping and activity centres.

Connection to Main Yarra Trail and Richmond - a new bridge

The Eddington Report (2008) recommended a new bicycle and pedestrian bridge across the Yarra that would link to the Hawthorn to Box Hill Trail.

This would be much safer and more convenient than the narrow bridge from Burwood Rd to Bridge Road.

This shows how the Hawthorn to Box Hill Trail will fill a gap in Melbourne's shared bike paths

This shows how the Hawthorn to Box Hill Trail will fill a gap in Melbourne's bicycle network (credit: Phillip Mallis)

The Victorian government has designated the Hawthorn to Box Hill Trail a Strategic Cycling Corridor (SCC).  

The SCC network supports the needs of commuter trips (to work or education) and other important trips, such as to stations, shops or schools and links up important destinations, including central Melbourne city, employment and activity centres, and other destinations of metropolitan and regional significance.